
Welcome to the Greenville County Geographic Information Systems (GIS) homepage. Our mission is to provide accurate and timely geographic information, system access, technical assistance, and related services to meet the needs of County operations. County functions supported by GIS include real estate tax assessment, law enforcement/crime analysis, economic development, voter registration, planning and land development, emergency services, asset/work order management, and citizen access to GIS and related data via the Internet.

Application Links
(for Desktops and Mobile Devices)

News and Information

2024 is now the default basemap imagery for the Advanced Internet Mapping System. (5/9/2024)

A detailed User's Guide for the Advanced Internet Mapping System can be found under the Help dropdown above or from the "More" tab in the application. A downloadable PDF version is also available under the Help dropdown above.

News and Information archive is available here.

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